Skinny Myspace Layouts Fight,fight,fight,fight,fight for this lov-e.♥
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Saturday, September 4, 2010 / 2:52 AM

long time.

hello bloggers.
my blog is dead as you can see.
life? everything's fine .
from friends to boyfriend to parents to family. :)
friends , semuernyer baik .
its just that , i miss those nice , rapat friends i'm with last time .
i miss you guys so much. ):
c'mon . i need you guys. like really .
well i notice that some people just dislike me .
oh i'm sorry.
i'm here not to please you. :)
and if i'm being harsh on you people , sedar lah diri siket that if you don't like me. i don't like you too , kentot. -_-
so Boyfriend .
namernyerh , Iqmal Bin Imran.
sayer sayang dier .
Syahrazar kater yang saye hidup nyer.
saye tidak pasti pulak lah kan. :) hehe .
mari kiter tanyer dier. ok ? :)
set eh . :)
so , kiter dah 3 months 19 days. :)
saye maseh ingat when the first time saye nampak dier.
first impression of him . mat rep tak sedar diri uhhh , beyh nak wink wink kat orang .
eh bie? hehehe ~
i think it was 3rd of march when i met him . it was a wednesday .
i got cca.
he's in soccer and i'm in infocomm.
we're like two different people.
worlds apart. :)
very .
but then one day , i fell for him .
very random .
i thought he was quite cute .
haha .
so , spent th whole time talking to Syahirah about him .
remember , Syahirah ? when he walked pass through our class , i'll be blushing ?
and then my face would turn red .
and you liked that .
yes, term one and two was the best .
but it changed when we had to change our sitting arrangement.
Mr K , screw you .
haish .
kay then .
Iqmal favourite colour is green .
he likes mee kuey teow with kerang ?
i'm not quite sure .
he likes, what water uh ? i frgt xD
haha .
idk what he wants to be in the future . he didnt tell me .
he's scared of cockroaches.
haha , should see his face when he sees cockroach one day .
confirm cute xD
he says that i'm cute .
but i dont think so. :)
i love him .
he does too .
i'm talking about him now cus he wants me too .
so im doing it.
im not being a dog or what .
i love him . :D
lets get married some day and live happily ever after.
haha , dream on . happily ever after is not in human's dictionary .
fairytale is cute but it doesnt come true .
okay so i have awesome friends.
but i'm scared that they only act to be friends with me .
well that just sucks .
im still young and there's plenty of ppl out there who wants to be my friend .
so its ok if i have no friends now .
just that , c'mon . i need friends at this age .
its hard to find a person who really accepts you and your attitude .
they say that i pentingkan boyfriend i dari dorang .
hey , if you tak tau apaper, atleast ask ?
i treid my very best to balance both ; friends and boyf.
but i guess this is what i get in the end.
thankyou for everything.
i appreciate and treasure your friendship with me .
it will not end , i promise you .
but if you insist , im sorry then i have to let go.
izznur , estasya , atiqah ,fatin and nadzirah . my never ending friendship with them .
oh how much i miss you guys.
okay so boyf , here's a msg for you ; i really love you and thanks for everything. even if we fought or got jealous over small things , i know you care. you had thought me well . i know you care about me. but we both need space before , remember? but now everything's going fine. you , me . , BearBear bin Iqmal. hehe ~ thankyou , i really thankyou for everything. thanks for trusting me so much . and if i had to leave you , i would try my best not too .
you're my husband and i'm your wife. haha. nasik goreng pun tak tau masak. xD but atleast you can take care of me. work hard baby . succeed in future. if we ever broke up , please don't forget me. i will never forget you . i will try my best . but i know you're the light of my life. you gave me love and took care of me. that's enough. really . thankyou so much. :) i wonder if we ever fought again and , we broke up . i really hope we last long. don't be too disobedient and naughty in school . okay . i dont like it. to be truthful , you are very naughty . and , trusting me soo much and telling me everything is just , i dont know. you make me feel special and that i am not useless. i am sorry if i ever did anything wrong to you . well , most of the time i'm th one who caused trouble and for the fights in our relationship . i get distracted easily and everything will just go wrong . i dont really know why . but now , i know you . you're a sweet , caring , over-protective,cute,handsome,and very stubborn guy . someday people will know who you are dear boyf. i know you're not the naughty person in my eyes. i hope you show that to everyone else and change your stubborn and naughtyness. be a good man when you grow up okay . find a very nice and kind woman to take care of you okay . if we ever leave . i dont know if we can stay or not . but i know i really love you . and i hope that this moment , is just a special one. i love your family and i love you . i really do . thankyou , for everything . every moment with you is just perfect. remember our song ? yes. lets sing it and record it together one day . shall we ?
till here, iloveyou.
your dearest Girlf / wife / baby :)
NurulAmirahSohaimi ' .

Saturday, July 31, 2010 / 9:52 AM

Friendship .

Hello !

Otey , its me again , A M A L I N A ! Hehe . I'm here to update , again . This Amirah laa , lazybum eh ! Naughtnaughty ! Hehe . Nehmind , i don't mind posting for her . ((:

And i have one topic to be discussed . Hmmm . Oh , ya . About , friendship problems . Okay , so , here it goes .

Day by day , people are having problems . Things are getting harder , difficult to be solved . However , i tried my best to encourage my friends . We all gotta stay strong , no matter how pain it is , how hurting it is . We are all growing up . We're learning new things . We just have to learn from our mistakes , and never repeat them again . Well , that's just life . Obstacles , in life . You can't escape from problems , true . But you also can't just be stuck in those problems , right ? Think of some ways . Get some help from friends , family , adults or someone who you trust . Pray hard . Pray that everything will be alright . Everything will go smoothly . Insya'Allah , Amin ..

Here are some stuffs , i know , and i learnt about , life .

See yourself for what you TRULY are , not what others would make you to be .Your future lies in your hand , and not others . Whichever path you choose , you have to think carefully . Never escape from troubles or problems . Coz if you do , the problems will always be there . Be strong and not give up easily . Trust yourself more , be independent and learn how to overcome your fear . There will be a lot of obstacles in life . But you have to overcome it no matter how difficult it is . All human make mistakes , but the important thing is you must learn from mistakes . No matter how good a friend is , they're going to hurt you every once in a while and we must forgive them for that . If we want to love , we must learn to forgive .

Now , lets just leave our problems aside . Put away all your problems aside . Focus on your studies first . After your tests and whatsoever , think about your problem , and solve it . Learn how to solve it . And learn , to believe in yourself . Don't just hope , and wish . But never make any efforts on solving them . So , yeah . Thats all . Whoa , motivational eh , Amalina ? hehe , for my friends' good . (:

Kay , gtg . Takecaree ! (:

Sunday, July 11, 2010 / 5:21 AM

Updated !

Hellowaa , Aliens out there ! :D

Hehe . As you can see , its not Amirah , updating . Its ... Amalina !! Hehe ! You know me ? Oh , don't know ehy ? Alaa , the one that lives in Milky Way Galaxy laa . The one who drinks MilkyShaky , and eats Cookies & Cream and Oreo . Still don't know ? Alamak you . Go find out laa . Hehe x)

Haha ! Okay , cut the craps okay ? Hehe . As you see , Amirah's blog is dead . And now , i've editted & updated her blog , just for her . Eh , she's my tunang okay ? Hehe ! x) . Okay , just to keep this blog alive laa . Common Test is drawing nearer . Very near . Two more weeks ? Yeah . Gosh , better prepare okay ? Heh .

Oh , and yeah . Don't disturb my tunang okay . She wants to have some peace . Don't ever hurt her , coz she have enough of it already . I love her a lot , and i'll take care of her . You dare hurt her ? Come ah , talk facetoface with me first . And so , yeah .

Takecare , yawww ! Byebyee ~


Wednesday, May 19, 2010 / 5:01 AM

i miss you, ALOT , [30].

i miss you alot, <3.
atlast you replied me.
i know it wasn't sincere.
i'm sorry. i love you.
it's been like, a month or two we aint talking.
i miss you alot, [30].
i need you beside me. telling me how much you care for me.
telling me that you're gonna take care of me.
telling me that i'll be safe.
i need you now, seriously.
i'm nothing without you.
you've changed my life alot.
you made me realised.
and now you're gone.
i thought our days would last forever.
but it wasnt our destiny.
i'm sorry.
that's all.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 / 1:41 AM

learning journey.

hey .
learning journey today to science centre.
funfun !!
we ran around like mad.
the best playground ever .
saw some chicks and other animals.
sooo cute !
we all like so jakun, never seen befre.
pictures with amalina.
her camera nice siaaa.
so then in th bus, mr khairul ruined my hyper mood.
he told amalina she failed her maths.
i did, too.
know i should've worked harder.
i'm sorry mama , papa. im sorry.
i dissapointed you.
haish. dah lah.
so thn at science centre, we played with water. fun siolxcvz !
thn eat at mac's.
there's this one primary school.
best siah . the kids can play water .
thn can bring psp.
thn their phones more canggih than mine sia !
maklum, hp dah budget katerkan.
haha !
thn blabla. reached shool.
index number [30] mcm budak kecik.
i miss those times ya know.
i know you don't love me anymore.
im sorry fr everything i've done. like seriously.
i still rmbr th things you told me .
fine . wanna test me how i know you ?
fine .

your particulars , index number 30 .

Name:[index number 30] , i wont reveal you because i love you.
Age: 12years 11 months 13 days .
Height: 166,(thats what you told me.)
Weight: you weigh arnd 50+kg.
Birthdate: 5 june 1997.
Fav food: fried rice with chicken.
Fav drink: ice lemon tea.
Fav colour: blue.
Fav team: Manchester United.
Dream girl: cute, shorter than you ,kind.
wish list: to be known fr ur abilities, to be an architecture (idk how to spell.) , to get the soccer boots that you want, laptop, to become a singer one day , a new phone and th girl of your dreams.
Fav music: jiwang or RnB.
Fav singer: this one guy yg nyanyi lagu jiwang.
Your fear: Spiders.
Siblings: two older brothers.
Where you live: sembawang .
Hobby, Passion, Talent: soccer.
Role you play in school: you're a sportsleader.
Your favourite cartoon character: pooh bear.
Your tuition: is every five days a week .
but sometimes you skip th lessons because you're tired.
You: like to sulk. and it's cute.
You: don't care if i hold your hand.
You: don't care if i hug you.
You: told me you'd take care of me .
when we watched titanic, You said u were jack , and i was rose .
You would save me if i wanted to fall.
You would love me .

`so stop acting like you don't love me anymore.
i see in those eyes, you, missing me .
i need you, c'mon.

let me say this , i know you have problems. but please, i can help you.
if i'd say goodbye, i wont turn back.
and i'm sorry for all th sins i've done to you.
you're a guy and i took advantage of you. leaving you to do all th sportsleader work.
i'm so sorry.
and i know i never told you, that i love you.
now it's all too late.
and i don't know how to hold you, but i want to.
i don't wanna leave this way.
all i know, is broken.
`well i'm here if you need me.
i know you don't believe me.
well i'm so sorry.
for all th pain i've caused.

Saturday, May 15, 2010 / 9:36 AM

sorry for th dead blog.

my blog went dead.
life suck now.
i miss you, TTM.
i want you to be by my side.
i want you to celebrate my birthday like you promised.
i want you to take care of me like you promised.
i want you to be there when i'm sad.
i want everything that includes you in it .
im sorry for what i've done to you.
although i don't realise my mistake.
im sorry i didnt accept you oreo.
im sorry i loved you so much.
and now i can't let you go.
you were jack, and i was rose, remember?
you were there for me.
you gave me strength.
now i'm missing you .
only god knows how much i love , and missed you.
i just wanna say, take care.
and goodbye.

Thursday, April 1, 2010 / 11:16 PM

2.4 cancelled. sad..

so yeah. my blog fainted. havent die yet hor. just faint for awhile. HAHAH !!
so yeah. yesterday was fuuunnnnnn^^
physics suck xD
english was crazy !
zack had to sit beside me cus tht fauzan guy talked to him.
thn he in trouble.
haiyo fauzan. because of you,zack yg kener.
kesian siaaa.
so thn,ha sat beside me.
idk why bt he macam malu nak bobal ngan me?
hahahah !!!
idk thn...
okay.. thn yaday yada. it rained !
2.4 was cancelled !
so stupid !
the other classes so happy.
me, amalina and syahirah wanted 2.4 siaaa.
dah SEMANJAT tau nak lari. thn hujan.
merepek uhr..
hahah !!
hahah ! semanjat = semangat.
fauzan luhr nie.
so thn,aft sch,
met izznur,atiqah and estasya at izznur's house.
they rawk my life sia. girlfies,ily guys so much uhr.
we went admiralty park.
cool or wht siaaa....
best best ! had like, aloooooooooooooottttt of fun !
i was so hyper tht day. cus 2.4 cancelled,thn i dunnoe where to put my hyper-ness.
so i spend it when i was hanging out with friends.
hahah !! so fuuuuuun.
ran th whole time.
didn't stop. xD
idk why...
super hyper already uhr.
thn i penat. wahahah !!
like atiqah said," dah pancit dah.."
ahhaha !!
tht place,like ulat nyerh rumah sia.
maner maner pegy,aderh ulat...
went home.
hugged and kissed nun,asya and atiqs.
my best babes.
love thm like so much <3
okay thn yada yada.
today,nothing happend.
my earpiece rosak. so stupid.
termasok dalam washing machine.
giler. -_-
so irritating. hahah !
okay thn blabla. dad odered KFC.
so good.
thanks papa !
okay thn,later going atok's house and cwp.
okay bye ! taka care people !

`to [you], do you really wanna end our friendship , that way? think about it, please.